This baby shower is what my dreams are made of y’all. Gold and white simple decor with gluten-free food and some wonderful girlfriends. I am so lucky that Mike planned this for me with the help of two friends, they nailed it and we had the best time celebrating Baby M!

I LOVED the balloons from Cannonborough Collective that Mike chose, so much so that I was super sad when they had to be thrown out a few days later.

This cake was gluten-free and SO delicious. It’s from Swank Desserts, who also did the dessert for our wedding three years ago! It was so pretty we felt bad cutting into it, but it had to be done 😉

Such a cute idea, Mom-osas! These were a hit and mine was a mocktail, but it’ll be the real thing soon enough.

Adorable, gender neutral and gluten-free cookies from BullFish Cookie Company. I love the white and green, so pretty.

A cute idea, now we have diapers with funny and sweet comments from friends on them which I’m sure will crack a smile during 2am feedings/ changing. My friend who organized this was super thoughtful and got Andy Pandy diapers because she knows I want non-toxic for baby!

Love all of the pretty, personalized details <3

The sweetest take-home gifts, now I have little succulents around the house that make me think of our shower every time I see them.

Everyone also filled out these gold and white advice cards. I’m going to make an album for baby and keep these in it.

Mike handled the flowers and y’all, the arrangements were unreal. He said he asked the florist (from Roadside Blooms) to create bouquets with green and white, with blue and purple accents. There were 5 vases total and no joke, I cried when I had to throw them away. (That’s probably pregnancy hormones but still, it was a sad moment!)

I still can’t get over how beautiful and special everything was. Between this and our New York shower (where I just didn’t get many photos!) we feel so loved and cannot wait to welcome baby.

The sweetest friends, the best baby shower <3
Other pregnancy-related posts:
Second Trimester Recap
Pregnancy After Miscarriage: my thoughts
We’re Having A Baby!
First Trimester Recap
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