January is almost over but I haven’t forgotten about the intentions I set for 2019 (read about them here) just a few short weeks ago! I told y’all I wanted to really buckle down with my goal setting for this year and be super intentional about each day, week, month and quarter. I feel like so far I’m doing a pretty good job at keeping myself in check, but it’s certainly easy for a day to go by and me to think “Shoot, was I super intentional today?” It’s a work in progress but I do think becoming mindful of our thoughts and daily actions is the first step.
Here’s what I’m doing to make sure I’m staying true to myself:
Morning Meditation & Reading:

I cozy up in my comfy chair and meditate for 5-20 minutes (depending on the day), write in my gratitude journal and then read a self development book for a bit.
You can read more about my morning routine here if you’re curious!
Get rid of clutter:
Next up, in order to keep my head less cluttered (hello constant thoughts!) my surroundings need to be clutter-free. So I use different systems to stay organized such as desk organizers, baskets and this really pretty letter stand. This one is really important to me, I can’t get a thing done in the presence of visual clutter!
Another thing that keeps me intentional is my vision board. Y’all know Mike and I designed these on New Year’s Eve and it’s been a helpful tool for me. I keep mine in my office and put pictures of my big goals on there (example: dream car, vacation I want to go on, motivational quotes etc). If I’m feeling a little unmotivated in the afternoon when I should be focused and getting work done, I’ll glance over at the board and visualize what it will be like to have and experience the things up on that board. Game changer, if you ask me. Plus, the board is really pretty!
Self Care:

I cannot stress how important it is to take care of ourselves. If we are feeling run down we cannot give our work and loved ones the attention they need and deserve. Showing ourselves love is the best way to increase energy, productivity and better our relationships. This can be anything from meditating, to taking a walk or exercising. From using safer products, to eating well and drinking a lot of water. Also, sleep is a big one for me. If I don’t get a minimum of 8.5 hours of sleep I am noticeably sluggish and not feeling great the following day. Yes, I’m aware that is a lot of shut eye and not all of us need that much, I’m just telling you what works for me. A new-ish rule for us is no phone before bed (that 20 minutes of scrolling my social media is unnecessary and not helpful toward relaxation!). And yes super comfy (and organic) bedding is very important to me and my high maintenance sleep demands 🙂
Being more intentional each day is the best way I’m going to stay on top of my goals, but it is something I’m constantly working on. I will pop on Instagram to do a quick story and then realize I’ve been scrolling for 15 minutes, hence not being productive or focused. I try not to be too harsh on myself and just recenter from there. I think it’s easy to set goals and intentions at the beginning of the year and then just sort of forget about them as the months go by. I am determined to find a better way and staying on top of these few things has been really helpful so far!
Here are more items that are helping me stay intentional:
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