Truth: I’ve wanted to recap our engagement on the blog since the week it happened. Also true: It’s now 2 years later and I’m finally sitting down to do it. I know at the time I sent details out to my email list with a few pictures but now that I’ve created this little space of my on the internet I get to go full-out wedding on ya. ALL of the details from our engagement shoots (yes, there were 2), to our wedding weekend and honeymoon. Reliving everything is going to be fun and will probably make the happy tears start streaming down my cheeks. I’m excited to share what literally was the best year of my life with you all and I hope you find a bit of inspiration (if you happen to be planning a wedding or are dreaming of your big day) or entertainment in this.

Pete Lott Photography
Engagement Day: Wednesday, October 21, 2015
I’m sick and laying on the couch all day due to a reaction to gluten. Mike comes home from work early afternoon and says it’s gorgeous out and I need to get outside. We drive 15 minutes to the beach, Tod’s point in Greenwich, CT and sit on a blanket for a while. Before heading back to the car we take a little walk down along the water and Mike stops in a little ray of light on the sand and asks if I’ll stand in the sun with him, forever. *Sidenote: At this time we were really loving ABC’s Scandal where Olivia and Jake have this romantic line about standing in the sun with one another and Mike and I stole that sweet little quote and would say it from time to time.

Pete Lott Photography
He also said some other things while getting own on one knee but honestly, I don’t remember what they were. What I do remember is saying “yes” about a trillion times and being ridiculously happy. A photographer then popped out of nowhere (really though Pete Lott, where were you hiding?) and he continued to photograph us on the beach until the sun set and they kicked us out before closing the gates.

Pete Lott Photography
Mike had made dinner reservations at a really nice restaurant called Rebecca’s in Greenwich but I still wasn’t feeling well (although an engagement really does take your mind off of a stomach ache) so we rescheduled for Friday, went home and called friends and family.
The rest of the week and weekend was spent having numerous dinners and lunches with parents and friends and smiling ear to ear.
I will say again and again that our wedding weekend was the best time of our lives but honestly, the whole year of being engaged was so special and memorable. To be able to plan not only what the big day will be like but to dream about your lives as an official Mr. and Mrs. was unreal. We had a whole year to dream up and plan and that year is one of my most cherished. Our location and date was set:
Wedding Day: Friday, October 21, 2016. EXACTLY one year from our engagement.
I’ll go into details on why we picked Charleston in my next post, and also show you engagement shoot #2 pictures. But here’s a few more from proposal day:

Pete Lott Photography

Pete Lott Photography

Pete Lott Photography

Pete Lott Photography

Pete Lott Photography

Pete Lott Photography
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