When I post a photo on Instagram I’ll get a lot of messages about how we always keep our home clean. Let me tell you, it is NOT always like that! I think that if you’re a typical family that actually uses their home, like cooks in the kitchen, gets the mail, has pets, wears shoes in the house — all of the regular real-life things, your house is going to get dirty and cluttered.
That being said, we do try to stay on top of it as much as possible. Partly because it’s how I grew up, always being told to put my things away when done using them, not leave crumbs on the counter etc.
Keep in mind that we do not have kids yet and I am well aware that once we do it will be more challenging to keep things as spotless as I like. (May as well enjoy it while it lasts, right?)
The rooms we use the most are our kitchen, family room and bedroom and of those the kitchen is what gets messy and cluttered most frequently.

Here’s what we do to manage the mess and keep our home clean:
- Wash the dishes or load the dishwasher right away. Dishes in the sink skeeve me out anyway. After we’re done eating we wash the dishes or load up the dishwasher almost immediately. If we’re watching a show we may wait until it’s over but we don’t leave dishes in the sink overnight or throughout the day, that would stress me out!
- Sort through mail when you bring it into the house. It is SO easy to put a pile of mail down on the counter and let it sit there for a while, I know. Sort through it right away, throw the junk out, put the bills on your desk and the magazines wherever you store them.
- Do a quick vacuum a few times a week. One of our dogs sheds quite a bit, plus they track dirt into the house so I usually do a quick vacuum of the kitchen and living room a few times a week. Then the less-used parts of the house get vacuumed once per week.
- Before you go to bed, pick up any clutter/ put things away. This can be a 10 minute nighttime routine. Before we go upstairs for the night we put the dog toys away, fix the pillows on the couch, put dried dishes and whatever else is on the counters away.
- Wipe down the counters before bed. Once all the stuff is away, quickly wipe down your counters. This is my favorite safer disinfectant spray. The reason I do the last two before bed is because it is so nice to wake up in the morning with a relatively clean living space and sparkling counter tops, it makes a huge difference!

We all have different lifestyles and varying factors that contribute toward what our homes look like at any given time. Like I said, we just have two pups and not a bunch of kids making a mess everywhere so a clean home may be a little bit easier for us to achieve at the moment. No matter what your life looks like though, it cannot hurt to implement the above five tips to keep your home clean on a daily basis!
Also read: 4 Ways to Give Your Home A Spring Refresh!
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