Ashley Caroline Photography
In honor of me turning 32 (yikes, where does the time go?!) here are some things you may or may not know about me. While I was writing these I realized jeez, I’m kinda weird! But here goes:

Caroline Ro Photography
- I’m horrible with geography. Mike randomly quizzes me which usually results in him laughing at me.
- I have celiac disease. I found out in 2015 and haven’t intentionally eaten gluten since. I feel so much better now!
- Working out is the most sporty thing I do. In middle school I used to fake sick in gym ALL the time and would opt to read an article and write a report rather than play whatever game we were doing that day. Thank goodness in High School they offered dance, I happily did that rather than gym!
- I love animals, especially dogs. If we go into a pet store during an adoption event I will leave crying. I feel awful for pups without a home.
- When I was younger I was obsessed with the weather channel, I thought maybe I’d be a meteorologist. I grew out of that fairly quickly.
- I love researching vacations and could spend hours on the computer looking up trips. Mike thinks I should become a travel agent as a little side gig.
- I’m a bit of a hotel snob. Not sure where I got this from but I love experiencing amazing service in aesthetically gorgeous hotels. Don’t get me wrong, we aren’t always staying in 5 star resorts but if money weren’t a thing, we totally would be 😉
- If I don’t get 8 hours of sleep I’m a total bitch. 9 is preferred and I usually make 8.5 – 9 happen each night.
- On that note, I go to sleep really early, between 8-9 during the week and usually not past 10 on weekends. Grandma status big time.
- I love chocolate chips. To the point where I usually don’t have them in the house because I won’t stop eating them! (Enjoy Life mini chips are my fave).
- My favorite food is eggplant parmesan which I don’t eat anymore because of stupid gluten (and because I’m too lazy to make a gluten free version for myself).
- When we moved into our house I realized I had a huge passion for decorating homes and wanted to make this a big part of my business.
- I’m a bit of a germaphobe. Not crazy bad but I’m usually wiping down surfaces in hotel rooms and grabbing bathroom doors with paper towels/ my foot.
- Emetophobia – fear of vomiting. It started in first grade when the kid next to me threw up on my light-up Barbie sneakers. Now I avoid big parties (honestly, even walking around the streets of Charleston late at night with all of the drunk college kids freaks me out), carnivals or anywhere I think someone may be sick. You’d be surprised at how many times in my 32 years someone has vomited near me. I also freak out when I feel nauseous. It’s making me feel sick just writing about this.
- I hate flying because of the possibility of motion sickness for either me or someone sitting near me. I alway sit by the window so I can stare out/ have less people in my line of sight. I’ll also happily use my credit card points to upgrade seats to first class just so I’m surrounded by less people.
- My Mom is a personal trainer which is how and why I got into fitness. She was very happy when I decided to major in Exercise Science in college.
- Working out isn’t always fun for me. Actually I usually don’t ever enjoy doing it. But I do anyway because I feel better afterward and don’t like feeling lazy.
- I can sing. Started in elementary school and was in various choirs and a cappella groups through college.
- I started an a cappella group in college because we didn’t have one! We were called Play it by Ear.
- I have an appreciation for nice cars. I would love a Jeep Grand Cherokee SRT, G- Class Mercedes or a Range Rover. All with black rims 😉
- Really not a bug fan. When we moved to Charleston and I found out that roaches were a common thing I tried to convince Mike to move back to CT. Now we have an exterminator come frequently to keep me calm.
- I’ve never smoked a thing except for trying a cigar once or twice (which ultimately ends up in me coughing a bunch).
- I want to learn more about wine. It would be so cool (I think) if I could take a sip and have a good understanding of what it is I’m drinking.
- If I have more than 2 drinks I’m likely to be hungover the next day. Major lightweight, I know. My body isn’t the best at detoxifying, something I’m working on.
- Mike and I met when we were both trainers at a gym in CT. We were friends and I had no feelings or clue we’d end up married!
- I’m a total homebody. Give me a glass of wine and a good book or Netflix series and I’m 100% content.
- I sang at the Vatican when I was a senior in High School with the tour choir.
- My favorite color is blue although if white were a color I’d choose that.
- I’m not a good test taker. I get major anxiety.
- One place I’d love to travel to is Australia, if I could handle the long plane ride!
- Favorite flower = white peonies
- I’ve always wanted to wear glasses. I used to try to mess up my eye exams at the doctor but she knew I was faking. So a few years ago Mike was at the eye doctor and I decided to buy a pair of glasses that have fake lenses in them!
I’m so glad you sent out your e-newsletter! I finally got around to reading this post and I was laughing the entire time because I’m pretty confident we are the SAME person!! I literally thought you were talking about me with numbers 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 13, 14, 15, 23, 24, 26, and 28 . I thought I was the only person in the world who had a fear of vomiting! I will literally freak out if someone gets sick near me, or if I know of someone who is sick (even if I haven’t seen them in days I freak out). Anyways, so glad you shared this glimpse into your life! Love reading your posts!
Bahahah that’s a lot of numbers we have in common, we are twins!! Ugh don’t even get me started on that fear, it’s awful! <3 <3 <3