It’s hard to believe that our little baby is in fact NOT a baby anymore, and she’s now potty trained! It seems we went from infant to toddler in about two seconds and we now live in a world filled with mermaid and unicorn undies. I am not a potty training expert by any means but wanted to share the tools we used to help us through this stage.

The tools that helped us:
A few tips for each potty training item:
Potty: We have two of these in our home, one for upstairs and one for downstairs. It also came along with us in the car, out for a walk (in the bottom of the stroller) or basically anywhere we went for a while. We still bring it with us sometimes now!
Portable potty seat: This thing is awesome. It folds up small and has a little carrying case, I keep it in the diaper bag. We use it whenever we’re out and she needs to use the big potty!
Undies: Both brands were recommended by a friend and Maddy loves them. These undies are organic and the quality is so great, but we also use these and keep extras in the car, diaper bag, etc — just in case!
The book: A friend let us borrow this book and I’m not sure how we would’ve gotten through potty training without it. The author has some great tips, explains how to know if your kid is ready for potty training and is pretty funny (I do think a sense of humor is necessary for the topic). I 100%, hands down recommend this book. Read it a few weeks before you want to start potty training so you know what to expect and feel prepared.
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