I was on a call with an online coaching client the other day and she asked, “What are 3 healthy things you do every day that you can’t live without?” I thought that was a very good question! So I’ve rounded up a list of little healthy hacks I implement each day that I…
5 Easy & Healthy Changes to Make in the New Year
It seems a lot of people are into the “new year, new me” theme right now which is totally fine but not my cup of tea. I don’t mind sticking to the same me but maybe with a few changes here and there. For those of you looking to make some improvements in the health…
6 Simple Health + Fitness Guidelines That Actually Work
The entire internet is filled with different fat loss tips, trends and topics. This can make it tough knowing either where to begin with a new health and fitness program, or if what you’re currently doing is good and/or working for your body. As a fitness professional, I sometimes laugh at what is out there on…
3 Simple Steps for a Healthier You This Weekend
With spring quickly approaching I am starting to hear some of my least favorite terms pop up such as “bikini body” and “beach ready.” People are going to see us prancing around half naked soon so better start watching what we eat! Our health is not temporary, but sometimes our actions toward it are. What…